Corey is now ten months old! He is going to be one before we know it! Corey is a very busy boy and loves to play with his big brother, Tate (even though Tate isn't always very nice to him). Corey is still growing and loves to eat. He can eat almost anything. Just tonight he was drinking a smoothie with me. He loves to play patty cake and sing songs. He says mama all the time and occasionally says nana and dada. He has three teeth (all bottom ones) and still has crazy hair. I think it is time for a major haircut for this boy, but I am afraid to use scissors on him. So, we will see about that. This picture is how Corey looked when we got him up from his nap on Sunday. Somehow, he had taken off one sleeve of his shirt. At least he seems pretty happy about it.
Corey has been taking steps for about two weeks now, but I have never been able to get it on video. Even if I hide with the camera, he senses it and sits down. But, tonight we got a semi-decent video of him stepping. He also just started standing up in the middle of the room (without climbing on furniture). He isn't a really confident walker yet, but he is working on it and can definitely get where he needs to go (which is usually to the toilet or up the stairs). :)
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