This is a little late, but Corey is now 14 months old. He is as wild and crazy as ever. He is busy constantly. He is either getting into things, climbing on stuff, making a mess, playing with toys, tackling his brother, running, throwing something or trying to run away. He recently discovered how to open the oven and climb inside (needless to say, we now have a lock on the oven). He also loves to take off and go to the neighbors' houses (who have better toys than we do). But, he is also such a little sweetie. He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses. Whenever he sees Nathan or I in the morning or after work, he runs to us and gives the sweetest snuggles. And, if you ask for a kiss, he will give you a nice open mouther. :) He is the funniest mix of crazy and sweet. I love this kid so much, I can't stand it!!
He is talking a lot more (even though it isn't always words you can understand). He says mama, dada, ball, baba, bye bye, more, and night night. He is also signing more and all done. He is still a big boy. I am about to get out the 2T clothes (luckily, we have a lot of boys clothes). He is about 28-29 lbs and he is solid. We like to call him "tank" and "chubs." The "blankie"
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