Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dress Like a Cow Day at Chick-fil-A

We had a great time at Dress Like a Cow Day. I was able use the outfits from last year for me and the boys. I made a dress for Riley out of scraps I had (and some hot glue since my sewing machine broke). I think we all looked pretty cute!

 We went to lunch at the American Fork location and it was packed! We went with Emily and her kids and we barely were able to eat our food and get out of there it was so crowded. And, it was raining outside so we couldn't even visit much outside. But, we did get our free meals so we were happy!
The boys would not stop hugging and kissing each other. They are so funny. 
We love chicken!

 We then went over to my friend, Cassie's house to prep for round 2. We helped get her kids' costumes together and had some fun. Then, we headed out to University Mall for an early dinner. It was MUCH less crowded here and more fun. We were able to eat in peace and then go play. It was a great day!
With their friend, Copper
She was sleeping in her carseat for most of the festivities

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