Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stupid Megan

This is embarassing, but I thought I should document this. I fell down the stairs on Monday. I was holding Corey :( and I tried to avoid something Tate had put on the stairs. We both tumbled. My poor sweet Corey fell into a stool and got a black eye. I felt so bad! I thought I was going to die, but it turns out all I did was sprain my ankle. I laid on the ground and cried for Tate to bring me my phone. He did and I called Nathan to come help me. It was pathetic. I was on crutches for a day or two, but now I am feeling a lot better. This photo is me being a sweet old lady on a motorized cart. Katie (bless you, Katie!) drove me home from work on Tuesday and took me around to run errands. Such a nice, sister!Now, if you are eating. Stop reading this. Or, if you hate feet, stop reading this. Either way, this is gross (mostly just because it is my foot).


Jill said...

Sorry to hear that Megan!! Glad Corey was okay, and glad you were too.

HILL HESS said...

Oh no!! I'm so glad it wasn't any worse! I hope you are feeling better. Your poor foot! Love you guys.