Monday, September 2, 2013

Corey Day (aka Disaster Day)

Corey starts preschool tomorrow, so we decided to take part of today and make it Corey Day. Today is also Labor Day and Nathan is home from work. We had other plans, but Nathan is pretty dang sick (for those of you keeping score....that is ANOTHER major holiday someone in our family is down and out). So, he stayed home with the baby. I asked Corey what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go to the movies. So, we headed out to see Turbo and were all excited. We got popcorn and treats and settled in. About 10 minutes into the movie, Corey was done. I held him out as long as I could, but we only made it about 45 minutes total. We then went to Kmart to pick up some medicine for Nathan and possibly get a little something for Corey. He was SO NAUGHTY that he spent most of the trip in trouble and we went home. Well, we tried.... :)

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